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Woman on Top Page 4

  “You worry too much,” he said, then lifted Nylah and headed toward the back stairs.

  I followed him and stood outside Nylah’s room, watching as he tucked her under the covers and gave her a kiss goodnight.

  “I’m confused. If you’re not worried then why did I have to ride with Phinn?”

  He stepped out the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

  “Woman listen, if I thought for a minute he was out to hurt you or me, I’d take care of it. Now yes, I knew he was out. He was in a halfway house down on Erie Avenue. That law firm is letting him work there as an advisor. He sure can’t practice law anymore.”

  “Yeah, Malik, but you were the one who handed over the evidence that put him in jail and you benefited tremendously from that. You’d been a partner at your firm for what, three years, and then you hit a goldmine by uncovering dirt on the city’s most powerful man and you don’t think he’s coming for you?”

  “He went to jail because he was taking money from crime bosses in South Philly. Did I uncover it? Yes, but it had nothing to do with you, it was Haney who violated his oath of office. And his son, G-dog, that you were running around with well, everybody knew he was trafficking drugs from Miami and you, my sweet thing,” he paused for moment, then laughed and said, “all you did was snitch.”

  “That isn’t funny.”

  “Honestly, Tiff, if I hadn’t been so bullheaded back then, you wouldn’t have been dating that jerk anyway.”

  “And you don’t think he wants revenge?” I asked, while following him down the hall to our bedroom.

  “I don’t think he wants to risk returning to the federal pen,” he said, taking a seat on the footstool of his leather recliner. “Last night at the party was pure coincidence and as for the donation, maybe it’s his way of making restitution.”

  “That’s not good enough for me,” I said, standing over him.

  “Listen, I know you have a lot going on right now, the opening of the Wellness Center, this fool reappearing, and your stupid husband not telling you, but it’s not as if his son came home to win you back.”

  “And my sister.”

  “Kamille knew?”

  “Yes, she’s now referring to him as her father. They were communicating while he was locked up.”

  He shook his head. “Okay, we were both trying to protect you, and went about it the wrong way. The last thing I want is to see you on edge like this, so take a few days off, relax.”

  “Time off? How is that even possible?”

  He pulled off his socks, unbuckled his belt, then said, “One weekend isn’t going to make that big a difference.”

  Taking a seat on the footstool, I said, “Both our schedules are in high gear right now and you’re able to take a few days off?”

  “I’d love to, but you know what’s going on. I have to finalize the details on Wesley’s reassignment, then be prepared for any repercussions.”

  Wesley and Malik had been friends since elementary school. Malik had gone to Clemson and Wesley to Temple, both majoring in criminal justice. Unfortunately after several attempts, Wesley had been unable to pass the bar, but Malik never gave up on him and with every move up the political ladder, my husband had made, he’d brought Wesley along. He was the closet thing Malik had to a brother, and confidant.

  “Exactly what position are you offering him anyway?”

  He pushed back into his chair and told me, “He’ll still be in community affairs, as Community Liaison, reporting any issues to Jason Wu, who will be our new Senior Director of Community Affairs.”

  “Isn’t that the guy who ran against you?”

  “Even more reason why I can’t up and go out of town right now,” he told me while glancing at the time on his watch.

  “Then what are you suggesting?”

  “I was thinking more like you and your sister going away to one of those spas, my treat. I’d even throw in some shopping. You could ask your mom or even Nanny to look after Nylah for the weekend.”

  My hope for a getaway turned into disappointment. “That’s crazy, I have too much to do. Did you forget everything that’s on my plate? I have to meet with Huli’s realtor, speak at that Women’s Resource Center luncheon you signed me up for, and there’s Blessed Babies.”

  “I know this Haney thing caught you off guard. And you’re right, I should’ve told you, and if you want me to, I’ll tell him to stay away from you.”

  “I’m not a fuckin’ child!”


  “I’m sorry,” I said, apologizing for cursing.

  “You’re my wife, the First Lady of this city, and I’m telling you to take a break.”

  I stood staring at him in disbelief.

  He tapped his watch. “Now look, it’s ten-thirty. I have a few calls to make, then I’ll come back up to tuck you in,” he said slapping me on the backside, before retrieving his vibrating mobile from the chifforobe.

  The next morning after dropping off Nylah at Crème de la Crème preschool in Mt. Laurel, I gave some thought to Malik’s suggestion of going to a spa. Maybe it would be a good idea to get away for the weekend. It had been so hectic lately with the holidays, the New Year’s party, and now Mr. Haney’s reappearance that I could use some time to regroup.

  I phoned Kamille to see, if in fact she could get away. “Hey sis, you busy?”

  “Walking out the restaurant, what’s up? You okay?”

  “I’m fine, but listen my husband is offering to treat us.”

  “Really, to what?”

  “A spa weekend,” I said after paying my toll on the Ben Franklin Bridge.

  “You serious, cheap ass Malik?”

  “Stop, you know he’s not cheap, he’s frugal,” I joked.

  “Yeah, okay, so you say.”

  “He said he’d treat us to some shopping,” I added, knowing she didn’t need Malik’s money to shop.

  “That means he wants me to take you shopping. But hey I’m in, what’s the date and where we going?”

  “Where, I have no idea, but I was hoping to get away this weekend.”

  “Can’t this weekend, Brandon’s coming home, he’s been in Minnesota for three days on some secret Homeland Security crap. Next month is better for me.”

  “Worse for me, I have two board meetings, about five social engagements with Malik, and the Blessed Babies Gala to plan. You still have that on your calendar, right?”

  “We’ll be there. But you should go without me. It’ll be good for you.”

  “I don’t wanna go by myself and we never get to hang out anymore.”

  “Stop complaining and take advantage. By the way, great show yesterday!”

  “Thanks. You watched?”

  “A little bit. We went out to dinner with. . .” she lowered her voice, “with Haney.”

  “You mean your father?” I asked, my voice filled with sarcasm.

  “C’mon sis, I don’t want this to be an issue with us. I’m trying to give him a chance.”

  “Do Mommy and Daddy know you’re trying to build a relationship with him? Daddy’s going think you’re trying to replace him.”

  “I went over there yesterday and talked to them. Mom tried to understand, but Dad was a little pissed, I could tell.”

  “He was hurt, Kamille, are you surprised?”

  “I know and I’m sorry, but am I wrong to wanna get to know him, maybe learn a little about my biological mother? Please don’t be mad. Hey, if he screws up,” she laughed, “we’ll have Malik put his ass back in jail.”

  “You’re right, maybe I’m being selfish.”

  “And a little paranoid. I mean haven’t you ever been curious about your biological parents?”

  “Nope, they didn’t want me then, so why would I waste my time? Anyway, how’s this father-daughter relationship coming along?” I asked, genuinely interested to see if there was another side to Haney.

  “I’m still tentative about it, but I really do believe he’s sincere. I mean what co
uld he possibly have to gain but a family? He lost everything.”

  By now I’d pulled up in front of my house, but I didn’t want to get out of the car until I finished our conversation.

  “You know he gave me a check for fifty thousand dollars, don’t you find that a little strange?”

  “It was from the law firm and you needed it, right?”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “Sis, chill out. Your husband is the damn Mayor; anybody would be a fool to mess with you.”

  “Guess I’m being over protective.”

  “Of me or yourself?”

  “Both of us.”

  “I like it when you protect me, but I think on this one, I’m good. Plus you know Brandon isn’t going for any crap when it comes to the boys and me. More importantly, don’t you do anything stupid.”

  “I promise you, I won’t.”

  Chapter 4


  A week later, I was glad to be behind the wheel of my own car, heading out the Northeast extension on a three-hour drive to Hawley, PA. I planned to use the time to sort out all the questions in my head, having also promised Malik that I’d give serious consideration to us having another child. I did want another child, but getting married, having Nylah, and then Malik running for mayor all within a few years had been overwhelming. Our plan had been to have at least three children and with Nylah now being almost five years old, it was time to get started. But having Haney to contend with somehow changed things.

  There were so many unanswered questions, like why hadn’t my sister or husband bothered to warn me? And what were his plans, now that he was home? I knew his being in that elevator had not been a coincidence. But more importantly, I wondered what, if any, revenge he was seeking on my husband for orchestrating his downfall. It was almost as if once Haney was tried and convicted, Malik began to make quick haste up the political ladder. Not many could be lauded as bringing down one of Philadelphia’s top political powerhouses.

  I wasn’t sure how I was going to get those questions answered, but I also didn’t want to wait for him to make the next move.

  Rather than dwell on Haney, I called Janae to begin working from the car.

  “Morning, Janae.”

  “Mrs. Skinner, good morning. You ready for your rundown?”


  “I finally booked the conference call with the VP at Akine Entertainment to discuss them coming on board as a patron donor. A Mrs. Christine Walker phoned and said you promised you’d attend a meeting with the Women at the Well Ministry at their church in Mt. Airy.”

  “I forgot about her. Did she give you some idea of their agenda?”

  “They’re looking for you to speak at their Spring tea, which means they’d like you to bring along some sponsors.”

  “For a tea?”

  “That’s what she said. Oh also, Michael wants you to call him and your call with Judge Renwick is in about 10 minutes. Would you like me to connect you?”

  “Sounds good. Tell Christine I’ll attend the tea, but if she wants a conference call, only give her a fifteen minute block of time because you know those church ladies have a tendency to go on forever. I mean really, how do they expect me to raise money for them, and the Wellness Center?”

  “One more thing, Mrs. Wayns, your brother’s property manager needs to speak with you.”

  “Thanks, Janae. You can put me through to the Judge.”

  Judge Renwick, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, was one of BBWC’s board members and had been responsible for ensuring all our zoning issues were pushed through, among other things that my husband wasn’t able to do for us.

  “Tiffany, my dear, how are you?”

  “Hello, Judge, I’m well. How’s the New Year treating you so far?”

  “Not bad, spent the holidays with my wife’s family in Colorado, skiing.”

  “Never been, but I hear it’s beautiful.”

  “Tiffany dear, I have to get into court, but I wanted to invite you to lunch next week. I have somebody I’d like you to meet.”


  “Yes, could be money for the center, a friend of mine, he’s in from DC. Tuesday, 12:30; Restaurant 1862 at the Union League. Will that work for you?”

  “Of course,” I answered, having no idea who somebody was, and obviously he wasn’t ready to tell me.

  “I look forward to seeing you, my dear.”

  I’d barely hung up from the Judge when the phone beeped with a call from Michael Reeves, a publicist from Platinum Images, the PR firm where I’d last worked prior to becoming First Lady. The firm was organizing the BBWC Gala and Ribbon Cutting in June and had been instrumental in helping me navigate the waters of prospective donors, versus those merely giving us kiss-off gifts.

  “Tiffany, I know you’re on the road, but as soon as you get back, and I mean soon, I need to schedule a dinner with you, the Mayor and Sye Richardson, who’s now the new President of Philly Pride. They have deep pockets, but their donation is contingent on dining with you and the Mayor.”

  Even as busy as my schedule was, it still revolved around Malik, with an overburdening number of social gatherings, all politically motivated, either for him, or in support of others. However, over the last year he’d had to attend those same gatherings with me on behalf of Blessed Babies, leaving us with a small window of personal time.

  With both our families being relatively small, our best times though were the holidays. Thanksgiving was spent at my parents’ and Christmas at my sister’s. For me, it was just my parents, Kamille, Brandon, my three nephews, and my brother, Julian. Malik’s side was slightly larger, consisting of Nanny, his 79-year-old grandmother who’d raised him, Aunt Mot and Uncle Karl, who came in from Beaufort, South Carolina, and a few cousins who Malik had placed in city jobs.

  As special as the holidays were, it was those nights at home when it was me, Malik, and Nylah that I cherished the most.

  “Now Michael, you know I can’t confirm my husband’s availability for anything, but I’ll give him a heads up,” I responded, reminding him of Malik’s demanding and quite systematic schedule that he couldn’t bear to break away from.

  “I’m already on it. I’m working with his scheduler and Janae to make it happen.”

  “Thanks, Michael.”

  When the line beeped again, it was Huli’s property manager, Mrs. Wayns. This one I let go to voicemail, assuming it was a progress report on his new condo property, Hamilton Square. This now brought his total properties to 22.

  Glancing at the clock on the dashboard, I knew who’d be calling next. I was right when in the next few minutes Malik’s voice filled the car.

  “Hey, woman.”

  “I miss you,” I told him over top Siri instructing me to turn onto I-80 toward Stroudsburg.

  “Good. How’s your drive going?”

  “Actually it’s quite scenic,” I responded while glancing ahead at a powder blue sky that stretched for miles over the distant mountains.

  “See, you already sound relaxed.”

  “Whatever, Malik. How’d you make out with Wesley?”

  “I’m not sure. He had no reaction, he accepted what I told him and asked what he needed to do before reporting to his new position. He also apologized if his behavior had caused my reputation any harm.”

  “I hope you told him that was exactly what you were trying to avoid.”

  “He knows how I am, but what surprised me is that he didn’t have any reaction at all. Hopefully, he’ll be the same when we announce the changes at the press conference this afternoon.”

  “That doesn’t sound like him. Did he even ask why or for any details?”

  “No, he thanked me, shook my hand and left the office.”

  “Maybe somebody told him it was coming, somebody on your staff?”

  “I kept the circle tight, me, Deputy Mayor O’Hare, and Chief of Staff Constance and Wu.”

  “So then you could’ve come with me
,” I teased.

  “Don’t start it, woman. I’m buried in here preparing for the budget address to city council next week. Now let a man get back to work. I’ll call you tonight to tuck you in.”

  “All right, I love you.”

  It was close to one o’clock when I turned onto River Birch Lane and stepped out of my car into the crisp air of Hawley, Pennsylvania. The online photo gallery didn’t give justice to the scenic beauty of what was truly a quaint resort.

  I’d only brought one bag for my two-night stay and the staff who welcomed me into The Lodge at Woodloch were as gracious as any four-star hotel. The lobby itself held a cozy fireplace situated in front of a wall of windows that brought the outdoors inside. The seating area that faced the fireplace looked like a great place to curl up with a glass of wine to finish reading, Freud’s Mistress, the novel I’d started a month ago.

  After checking in, I was given a quick tour of the property, but my room proved to be an even better retreat. The fragrance of orchids, roses, and pussy willows overflowed from a vase on the coffee table, nestled between two overstuffed chairs with a view of the veranda, complete with a rocking chair. A king size bed took up the rest of the space, across from which was the dresser and a flat screen television that I vowed not to even turn on.

  The best part of the room was when I opened the doors to the veranda, bringing with it a panoramic view of Pennsylvania’s snow-capped mountains. Stepping out into the cold but fresh air, I noticed that to my left, a short distance from the lodge, there was steam rising from an outdoor hot tub. Now I knew the meaning of postcard perfect.

  My first treatment, a lavender body polish, followed by a caviar facial was scheduled for four o’clock. Happy I had time to spare, I changed into a pair of corduroys, a sweater, and down vest, to check out the property.

  Using the map I’d been given, I set out on the walking trail lined with colorful winter shrubbery that was full of lush evergreens, sprinkled with brilliant reds and dotted with gold, bringing back memories of the year Malik and I cut down our own Christmas tree. I stopped to take a picture with my phone.